Areas of Expertise


Paul Francis Healy is Professor emeritus in the Department of Anthropology, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. Paul has conducted over 40 years of research on Maya Archaeology (especially in Belize). He has directed investigations at the ancient Maya sites of Pacbitun, Caracol, Blue Hole Camp, Mountain Cow, Cahal Pech, and Moho Cay. He has also conducted field research in Lower Central America (NE Honduras) and published extensively on the archaeology of SW Nicaragua. He is interested in archaeology of the Caribbean area, having conducted studies of the archaeology in Antigua and Trinidad. He currently collaborates with Dr. Terry Powis (Kennesaw State University) on further investigations at Pacbitun (Belize).

Professor Emeritus Healy is an expert on Meso-American archaeology and, specifically, Mayan archaeology of Belize.

His 40-year career has included archaeological research in Belize, Mexico, Honduras, Nicaragua, Antigua & Barbuda, Trinidad, and in the United States. While at Trent University (Canada), he served as chair of the Department of Anthropology, director of the Anthropology Graduate Program, dean of Research & Graduate Studies, and acting dean of Arts & Science. From 2000-2005, Prof. Healy was the founding director of the Trent University Archaeological Research Centre (TUARC). As a leading expert in the field, Prof. Healy has written extensively on the ancient Maya, and has authored and edited six books, and over 100 articles, book chapters, or reviews on American archaeology. In 1994, he received the Trent University Distinguished Research Award, the highest commendation for faculty scholarship at Trent. Prof. Healy retired in June 2013. 



Professor Emeritus, 2013 (Trent University, Canada)

B.A. with Honors (Anthropology)

University of California-Berkeley, 1970

M.A. (Anthropology)

Harvard University, 1972

Ph.D. (Anthropology)

Harvard University, 1974

Research Interests


Complex societies


Mortuary practices


Trade and exchange


Art and architecture

Music and Instruments

New World archaeology

Mesoamerica (esp. Maya)

Lower Central America and the Caribbean.

Key Publications



Healy, Paul F.

1980 Archaeology of the Rivas Region, Nicaragua. Wilfrid Laurier University Press, Waterloo (Ontario). (382 pages, 128 figures, 20 tables, index) (ISBN 0-88920-094-7, hardbound).

McKillop, Heather I. and Paul F. Healy (editors)

1989 Coastal Maya Trade. Trent University, Department of Anthropology, Occasional Paper No. 8. Peterborough (Ontario). (189 pages, 36 figures, 13 tables) (ISSN 0825-589X, paperbound).

Healy, Paul F. and Jaime J. Awe (editors)

1995 Belize Valley Preclassic Maya Project: Report on the 1994 Field Season. Trent University, Department of Anthropology, Occasional Paper No. 10. Peterborough (Ontario). (226 pages, 39 figures, 15 tables) (ISSN 0825-589X, paperbound).

Healy, Paul F. and Jaime J. Awe (editors)

1996 Belize Valley Preclassic Maya Project: Report on the 1995 Field Season. Trent University, Department of Anthropology, Occasional Paper No. 12. Peterborough (Ontario). (189 pages, 46 figures, 9 tables, 6 plates) (ISSN 0825-589X, paperbound).

Healy, Paul F. (Editor)

1999 Belize Valley Preclassic Maya Project: Report on the 1996 and 1997 Field Seasons. Trent University, Department of Anthropology, Occasional Paper No. 13. Peterborough (Ontario). (111 pages, 9 figures, 12 tables, 2 appendices) (ISSN 0825-589X, paperbound).

Healy, Paul F. and Kitty F. Emery (editors)

2014 Zooarchaeology of the Ancient Maya Centre of Pacbitun (Belize). Trent University, Department of Anthropology, Occasional Paper No. 16. Peterborough (Ontario). (218 pages, 57 figures, 30 tables, 1 appendix). (ISSN 0825-589X, paperbound).


Healy, Paul F.

1976 Informe Preliminar sobre la Arqueologías del Periodo Cocal en Nordeste de Honduras. In Las Fronteras de Mesoamerica (XIV Mesa Redonda de la Sociedad Mexicana de Antropologia) Tomo 2: 237-244. Mexico (D.F.). (reprinted in Yaxkin 1: 4-9).

Healy, Paul F.

1976 Scope and Preparation of Environmental Impact Statements (EIS): Prehistoric Archaeological Surveys. In Environmental Analysis for Secondary Impacts, pp. 27-34. Rutgers University, Center for Continuing Studies, New Brunswick (New Jersey).

Healy, Paul F.

1976 Los Chorotega y Nicarao: Evidencia Arqueológica de Rivas, Nicaragua. In Las Fronteras de Mesoamerica (XIV Mesa Redonda de la Sociedad Mexicana de Antropologia) Tomo 2: 257-266. Mexico (D.F.).

Mary D. Pohl and Paul F. Healy

1980 Mohammed’s Paradise: The Exploitation of Faunal Resources in the Rivas Region. In Archaeology of the Rivas Region, by P. F. Healy, pp. 287-292. Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo (Ontario).

Healy, Paul F.

1983 The Paleoecology of the Selin Farm Site (H-CN-5), Department of Colon, Honduras. In Civilization in the Ancient Americas: Essays in Honor of Gordon R. Willey, edited by R. M. Leventhal and A. L. Kolata, pp. 35-54. Peabody Museum of Archaeology, Cambridge (Massachusetts) and the University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque (New Mexico).

Healy, Paul F.

1984 Archaeology Abroad: Ethical Considerations of Fieldwork in Foreign Countries. In Ethics and Values in Archaeology, edited by E. L. Green, pp. 123-132. Free Press (MacMillan), New York (New York).

Lange, Frederick W., Suzanne Abel-Vidor, Claude Baudez, Paul F. Healy (et al.)

1984 New Approaches to Greater Nicoya Ceramics. In Recent Developments in Isthmian Archaeology: Advances in the Prehistory of Central America, edited by F. W. Lange, pp. 199-214. BAR International Series No. 212. British Archaeological Reports, Oxford (England),

Healy, Paul F.

1984 The Archaeology of Honduras. In The Archaeology of Lower Central America, edited by F. W. Lange and D. Z. Stone, pp. 113-161. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque (New Mexico).

Healy, Paul F.

1984 Northeast Honduras: A Precolumbian Frontier Zone. In Recent Developments in Isthmian Archaeology: Advances in the Prehistory of Central America, edited by F. W. Lange, pp. 227-241. BAR International Series No. 212, British Archaeological Reports, Oxford (England).

Healy, Paul F.

1987 Archaeology, Culture Resource Management, and Third World Development: Belize, Central America. In Research, Resources, and the Environment in the Third World Development, edited by J.G. Nelson and K.D. Knight, pp. 195-200. University of Waterloo, Department of Geography Publication Series No. 27, Waterloo (Ontario).

Healy, Paul F.

1988 Greater Nicoya and Mesoamerica: Analysis of Selected Ceramics. In Costa Rican Art and Archaeology, edited by F.W. Lange, pp. 293-301. University of Colorado Press, Niwot (Colorado).

Healy, Paul F. and Nancy A. Prikker

1989 Ancient Maya Warfare: Chronicles of of manifest Superiority. In Cultures in Conflict: Current Archaeological Perspectives, edited by D.C. Tkaczuk and B.C. Vivian, pp. 44-60. University of Calgary, The Archaeological Association, Calgary (Alberta).

Healy, Paul F.

1989 Coastal Maya Trade: Some Observations. In Coastal Maya Trade, edited by H.I. McKillop and P. F. Healy, pp. 155-164. Trent University, Department of Anthropology, Occasional Paper No. 8, Peterborough (Ontario).

Healy, Paul F.

1992 Ancient Honduras: Power, Wealth, and Rank in Early Chiefdoms. In Power and Wealth in the Intermediate Area, edited by F.W. Lange, pp. 85-108. Harvard University, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collections, Washington (District of Columbia).

Healy, Paul F.

1993 Northeast Honduras. In Pottery of Prehistoric Honduras: Regional Classification and Analysis, edited by J.S. Henderson and M. Beaudry-Corbett, pp. 194-213. University of California, Institute of Archaeology Monograph No. 35. University of California, Los Angeles (California).

Murphy, A. Reg and Paul F. Healy

1995 Paleoecology of the Muddy Bay Site (PH-14), Antigua, West Indies. In Proceedings of the XVI International Congress for Caribbean Archaeology (Guadeloupe), edited by G. Richard, pp. 275-286. Conseil Regional de la Guadeloupe, Basse-Terre (French West Indies).

Healy, Paul F. and A. Reg Murphy

1995 Excavations at the Muddy Bay Site (PH-14), Antigua, West Indies: Preliminary Report on 1994 Investigations. In Proceedings of the XVI International Congress for Caribbean Archaeology (Guadeloupe), edited by G. Richard, pp. 287-299. Conseil Regional de Guadeloupe, Base-Terre (French West Indies).

Healy, Paul F. and Jaime J. Awe

1995 Preclassic Maya of the Belize Valley: 1994-1995 Research Objectives. In Belize Valley Preclassic Maya Project: Report on the 1994 Field Season, edited by P.F. Healy and J.J. Awe, pp. 1-17. Trent University, Department of Anthropology, Occasional Paper No. 10, Peterborough (Ontario).

Healy, Paul F. and Jaime J. Awe

1995 Radiocarbon Dates from Cahal Pech, Belize: Results from the 1994 Field Season, In Belize Valley Preclassic Maya Project: Report on the 1994 Field Season, edited by P.F. Healy and J.J. Awe, pp. 198-215. Trent University, Department of Anthropology, Occasional Paper No. 10, Peterborough (Ontario).

Healy, Paul F., Frank Asaro, Fred Stross, and Helen Michel

1996 Precolumbian Obsidian Trade in the Northern Intermediate Area: Elemental Analysis Artifacts from Honduras and Nicaragua. In Paths to Central American Prehistory, edited by F.W. Lange, pp. 271-283. University Press of Colorado, Niwot (Colorado).

Healy, Paul F., Frank Asaro, Fred Stross and Helen Michel

1996 Prehistoric Obsidian Trade in Honduras and Nicaragua. In Chieftains, Power, and Trade: Regional Interaction in the Intermediate Area of the Americas, edited by C.H. Langebaek and F. Cardenas-Arroyo, pp. 13-29. Universidad de los Andes, Departamento de Antropologia, Bogota (Colombia).

Arendt, Carmen, Ryan-Ju Song, and Paul F. Healy

1996 The 1995 Excavations in Plaza C, Pacbitun, Belize: A Middle Preclassic Burial and a Late Classic Stela. In Belize Valley Preclassic Maya Project: Report on the 1995 Field Season, edited by P.F. Healy and J.J. Awe, pp. 128-138. Trent University, Department of Anthropology, Occasional Paper No. 12, Peterborough (Ontario).

Healy, Paul F., Rhan-Ju Song, and James Conlon

1996 Actun Petz: Preliminary Survey of a Cave Near Pacbitun, Belize. In Belize Valley Preclassic Maya Project: Report on the 1995 Field Season, edited by P.F. Healy and J.J. Awe, pp. 139-152. Trent University, Department of Anthropology, Occasional Paper No. 12, Peterborough (Ontario).

Awe, Jaime J., Paul F., Christopher .M. Stevenson, and Bobbi Hohmann

1996 Preclassic Maya Obsidian in the Belize Valley. In Belize Valley Preclassic Maya Project: Report on the 1995 Field Season, edited by P.F. Healy and J.J. Awe, pp. 153-174. Trent University, Department of Anthropology, Occasional Paper No. 12, Peterborough (Ontario).

Healy, Paul F. and Jaime J. Awe

1996 The Uxbenca Jade: A Middle Preclassic Olmec Jade from Belize? In Belize Valley Preclassic Maya Project: Report on the 1995 Field Season, edited by P.F. Healy and J.J. Awe, pp. 175-180. Trent University, Department of Anthropology, Occasional Paper No. 12, Peterborough (Ontario).

Powis, Terry G., Bobbi Hohmann, Jaime J. Awe, and Paul F. Healy

1996 Las Estructuras Circulares del Grupo Tolok en Cahal Pech, Belice: Nueva Información Sobre la Complejidad de Plataformas Redondas de Periodo Formativo. In IX Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, 1995, edited by J.P. Laporte and H.L. Escobedo, pp. 281-294. Museo Nacional de Antropología y Etnología-Guatemala, Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Instituto de Antropología e Historia, y Asociación Tikal, Guatemala City (Guatemala).

Healy, Paul F.

1999 Radiocarbon Dates from Pacbitun, Belize: Results from the 1995 Field Season. In Belize Valley Preclassic Maya Project: Report on the 1996 and 1997 Field Seasons, edited by P.F. Healy, pp. 69-82. Trent University, Department of Anthropology, Occasional Paper No. 13, Peterborough (Ontario).

Healy, Paul F.

1999 Preclassic Maya of the Belize Valley: Some Observations (1999). In Belize Valley Preclassic Maya Project: Report on the 1996 and 1997 Field Seasons, edited by P.F. Healy, pp. 83-102. Trent University, Department of Anthropology, Occasional Paper No. 13, Peterborough, (Ontario).

Healy, Paul F. (Compiler)

1999 Listing of Belize Valley Preclassic Maya Publications:1994-1999. In Belize Valley Preclassic Maya Project: Report on the 1996 and 1997 Field Seasons, edited by P.F. Healy, pp. 103-111. Trent University, Department of Anthropology, Occasional Paper No. 13, Peterborough (Ontario).

DeMille, Christy, A. Reg Murphy, and Paul F. Healy

1999 Preliminary Archaeological Investigations at Winthropes’ Bay, Antigua. In Proceedings of the XVII Congress of the International Association for Caribbean Archaeology (Bahamas), edited by J .H. Winter, pp. 105-121. Molloy College, Rockville Center (New York).

Powis, Terry G., Jaime J. Awe, Norbert Stanchly, and Paul F. Healy

2000 La Explotación de Recursos Animales por los Antiguos Maya del Periodo Formativo Medio: Nueva Evidencia del Grupo Tolok en Canal Pech, Belice. In III Congreso Internacional de Mayistas, 1995, edited by A. L. Izquierdo y de la Cueva, Tomo 2: 225-241. Centro de Estudios Maya del Instituto de Investigaciones Filologicas de la Universidad Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), Chetumal, Quintana Roo (Mexico).

Healy, Paul F. , A. Reg Murphy, and David M. Cruz

2001 Excavations at the Royall’s Site (JO-11), Antigua: An Inland Saladoid Site. In Proceedings of the XVIII International Congress for Caribbean Archaeology (Guadeloupe), Volume 2, edited by G. Richard, pp. 216-232. Conseil Regional de la Guadeloupe, Base Terre (Guadeloupe, French West Indies).

Powis, Terry G., David Cheetham, Bobbi Hohmann, Jaime J. Awe, and Paul F. Healy

2001 Un Estudio Preliminar de la Arquitectura del Preclassico Maya en la Cuenca del Rio Belice. In XIV Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, 2000, edited by J.P. Laporte, A.C. de Suasnaver, and B. Arroyo, pp. 81-101. Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Instituto de Antropologia e Historia, Asociacion Tikal, Guatemala City (Guatemala).

Healy, Paul F.

2003 Music of the Maya. In Secrets of the Maya, edited by P. D. Young, pp. 59-66. Hatherleigh Press, New York (New York) (reprinted from Archaeology 1988).

Healy, Paul F., David Cheetham, Terry G. Powis, and Jaime J. Awe

2004 Cahal Pech: The Middle Formative Period. In The Ancient Maya of the Belize Valley: Half a Century of Archaeological Research, edited by J.F. Garber, pp. 103-124. University Press of Florida, Gainesville (Florida).

Healy, Paul F., Bobbi Hohmann, and Terry G. Powis

2004 The Ancient Maya Center of Pacbitun. In The Ancient Maya of the Belize Valley: Half a Century ofArchaeological Research, edited by J.F. Garber, pp. 207-227. University Press of Florida, Gainesville (Florida).

Healy, Paul F., Jaime J. Awe, and Hermann Helmuth

2004 Defining Royal Maya Burials: A Case from Pacbitun, Belize. In Ancient Maya of the Belize Valley: Half a Century of Archaeological Research, edited by J.F. Garber, pp. 228-237. University Press of Florida, Gainesville (Florida).

Healy, Paul F., Erin Thornton, and Martin T. Fuess

2005 The Post-Saladoid Faunal Assemblage from the Coconut Hall Site, Antigua, West Indies. In Proceedings of the XX International Congress for Caribbean Archaeology (Dominican Republic), Volume 1, edited by G. Tavarez Maria and M.A. Garcia Arevalo, pp. 189-200. Museo del Hombre Dominicano and Fundacion Garcia Arevalo, Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic).

Healy, Paul F., Vanessa Rodens, and Pamela J.A. Downe

2008 Ancient Maya Sound Artefacts of Pacbitun, Belize. In Studien our Musikarchaologie VI (Papers of the 5th Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology), edited by A.A. Both, R. Eichmann, E. Hickman, and L-C. Koch, pp. 23-38. Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH, Rahden (Germany).

Healy, Paul F., Carrie L. Dennett, Mary Hill Harris, and Arnd Adje Both

2010 A Musical Nature: Precolumbian Ceramic Flutes of Northeast Honduras. In Studien zur Muskarchaologie VII (Papers of the 6th Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology), edited by R. Eichmann, E. Hichman, and L.-C., Koch, pp. 189-212. Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH, Rahden (Germany).

Rewniak, David, Paul F. Healy, and Morgan Tamplin

2013 Preliminary Analysis of the Zooarchaeology of the San Cristobal Site, Nicaragua: The Bounty of Mohammed’s Paradise. In The Archaeology of Mesoamerican Animals, edited by C.M. Gotz and K.M. Emery, pp. 417-441. Lockwood Press, Atlanta (Georgia).

Healy, Paul F.

2014 The Ancient Maya Centre of Pacbitun: Environmental Setting, Archaeological Site, and Excavations (1980-1997). In Zooarchaeology of the Ancient Maya Centre of Pacbitun (Belize), edited by P.F. Healy and K.F. Emery, pp. 1-17. Trent University, Department of Anthropology, Occasional Paper No. 16, Peterborough (Ontario).

Healy, Paul F., Kitty F. Emery, Teresa Wagner, Bobbi Hohmann, and Norbert Stanchly

2014 Bone and Shell Artifacts of Pacbitun. In Zooarchaeology of the Ancient Maya Centre of Pacbitun (Belize), edited by P.F. Healy and K.F. Emery, pp. 97-151. Trent University, Department of Anthropology, Occasional Paper No. 16, Peterborough (Ontario).

Emery, Kitty F. and Paul F. Healy

2014 A History of Animal Use at the Ancient Maya Site of Pacbitun. In Zooarchaeology of the Ancient Maya Centre of Pacbitun (Belize), edited by P.F. Healy and K.F. Emery, pp. 152-176. Trent University, Department of Anthropology, Occasional Paper No. 16, Peterborough (Ontario).

Cheong, Kong F., Roger Blench, Paul F. Healy, and Terry G. Powis

2014 Ancient Maya Musical Encore: Analysis of Ceramic Musical Instruments from Pacbitun, Belize, and the Maya Subarea. In Flower World: Music Archaeology of the Americas, Volume 3, edited by M. Stockli and M. Howell, pp. 123-140. Echo Verlag, Berlin (Germany).

Hohmann, Bobbi, Terry G. Powis, and Paul F. Healy

2018 Middle Preclassic Maya Shell Ornament Production: Implications for the Development of Complexity at Pacbitun, Belize. In Pathways to Complexity: A View from the Maya Lowlands, edited by M.K. Brown and G.J. Bey III, pp. 117-146. University Press of Florida, Gainesville (Florida).

Healy, Paul F.

2020 Ancient Pacbitun: Introduction to the Archaeological Site and Early Research (1980-1997). In An Archaeological Reconstruction of Ancient Maya Life at Pacbitun, Belize, edited by T.G. Powis, S. Skaggs, and G.J. Micheletti, pp. 19-66. BAR International Series No. 2970, British Archaeological Reports, Oxford (England).

Michaeletti, George J., Christophe Helmke, and Paul F. Healy

2020 Writing Pacbitun, Belize, into the Historic Record of the Southern Maya Lowlands. In An Archaeological Reconstruction of Ancient Maya Life at Pacbitun, Belize, edited by T.G. Powis, S. Skaggs, and G.J. Micheletti, pp. 242-269. BAR International Series 2970, British Archaeological Reports, Oxford (England).

Journal Articles (refereed)

Healy, Paul F.

1974 The Cuyamel Caves: Preclassic Sites in Northeast Honduras. American Antiquity 39(3): 435-447.

Beale, Thomas W. and Paul F. Healy

1975 Archaeological Films: The Past as Present. American Anthropologist 77(4): 889-897.

Healy, Paul F.

1975 H-CN-4 (Williams Ranch Site): Preliminary Report on a Selin Period Site in the Department of Colon, Northeast Honduras. Vinculos 1(2): 61-71.

Healy, Paul F.

1976 La Ceramica de la Region Rivas, Suroeste de Nicaragua. Vínculos 2(1): 24-36.

Healy, Paul F.

1976 Informe Preliminar Sobre la Arqueologia del Periodo Cocal en Nordeste de Honduras. Yaxkin 1:4-9 (reprinted from Las Fronteras de Mesoamerica, XIV Mesa Redonda de la Sociedad de Mexico).

Healy, Paul F.

1978 Excavations at Rio Claro, Northeast Honduras. Journal of Field Archaeology 5(1): 15-28.

Healy, Paul F.

1978 Excavations at the Selin Farm (H-CB05) Site, Colon, Northeast Honduras. Vinculos 4(2): 57-79.

Healy, Paul F., Catrina van Waarden, and Thomas J. Anderson

1980 Nueva Evidencia de Antiguas Terrazas Mayas en Belice. America Indigena 40: 773-796.

Healy, Paul F. and Heather I. McKillop

1980 Moho Cay, Belize: Preliminary Report on the 1979 Archaeological Season. Belizean Studies 8(6) 10-16.

Healy, Paul F.

1983 An Ancient Maya Dam in the Cayo District, Belize. Journal of Field Archaeology 10(2): 147-154.

Healy, Paul F.

1983 Caracol, Belize: Evidence of Ancient Maya Agricultural Terraces. Journal of Field Archaeology 10(4): 397-410.

Healy, Paul F.

1984 The Prehistory of Northeast Honduras: Cultural Change on a Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican Frontier. National Geographic Society Research Reports 16:339-358.

Healy, Paul F., Heather I. McKillop, and Bernetta Walsh

1984 Analysis of Obsidian from Moho Cay, Belize: New Evidence on Classic Maya Trade Routes. Science 255:414-417.

Healy, Paul F.

1988 Music of the Maya. Archaeology 41: 24-31.

Abel-Vidor, Suzanne, Claude F. Baudez, Paul F. Healy, Frederick W. Lange, et al.

1990 Principales Tipos Cerámicos y Variedades de la Gran Nicoya. Vínculos 13(1-2): 35-327.

Healy, Paul F., Kitty Emery, and Lori E. Wright

1990 Ancient and Modern Maya Exploitation of the Jute Snail (Pachychilus). Latin American Antiquity 1(2): 170-183.

Healy, Paul F.

1990 An Early Classic Monument at Pacbitun, Belize. Mexicon 12(6): 109-110.

Healy, Paul F.

1990 Excavations at Pacbitun, Belize: Preliminary Report on the 1986 and 1987 Investigations. Journal of Field Archaeology 17(3): 247-262.

Healy, Paul F.

1992 The Ancient Maya Ballcourt at Pacbitun, Belize. Ancient Mesoamerica 3: 229-239.

White, Christine D., Paul F. Healy, and Henry P. Schwarcz

1993 Intensive Agriculture, Social Status, and Maya Diet at Pacbitun, Belize. Journal of Anthropological Research 49(4): 347-375.

Awe, Jaime J. and Paul F. Healy

1994 Flakes to Blades? Middle Formative Development of Obsidian Artifacts in the Upper Belize River Valley. Latin American Antiquity 5(3): 193-205.

Healy, Paul F., Jaime J. Awe, Gyles Iannone, and Cassandra R. Bill

1995 Pacbitun (Belize) and Ancient Maya Use of Slate. Antiquity 69: 337-348.

Healy, Paul F., Jaime J. Awe, and Hermann Helmuth

1998 An Ancient Maya Multiple Burial at Caledonia, Cayo District, Belize. Journal of Field Archaeology 25(3): 261-274.

Powis, Terry G., Norbert Stanchly, Christine D. White, Jaime J. Awe, Paul F. Healy, and Fred Longstaffe

1999 A Reconstruction of Middle Preclassic Maya Subsistence Economy at Canal Pech, Belize. Antiquity 73(280): 364-376.

Healy, Paul F. and Jaime J. Awe

2001 A Middle Preclassic Jade Spoon from Belize. Mexicon 23(3): 61-64.

Webb, Elizabeth A., Henry P. Schwarcz, and Paul F. Healy

2004 Detection of Ancient Maize in Lowland Maya Soils Using Stable Carbon Isotopes: Evidence from Caracol, Belize. Journal of Archaeological Science 31(8): 1039-1052.

Helmke, Christophe G.B., Nikolai Grube, Jaime J. Awe, and Paul F. Healy

2006 A Reinterpretation of Stela 6, Pacbitun, Belize. Mexicon 28(4): 70-75.

Healy, Paul F.

2006 Preclassic Maya of the Belize Valley: Key Issues and Questions. Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 3: 13-30.

Healy, Paul F., Christophe G.B. Helmke, Jaime J. Awe, and Kay S. Sunahara

2007 Survey, Settlement, and Population History at the Ancient Maya Site of Pacbitun, Belize. Journal of Field Archaeology 32(1): 17-39.

Healy, Paul F.

2007 The Anthropology of Mesoamerican Caves. Reviews in Anthropology 36(3): 245-278.

Powis, Terry G., Paul F. Healy, and Bobbi Hohmann

2009 An Investigation of Middle Preclassic Structures at Pacbitun, Belize. Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 6: 169-177.

Healy, Paul F. and Marc G. Blainey

2011 Ancient Maya Mosaic Mirrors: Function, Symbolism, and Meaning. Ancient Mesoamerica 22(2): 229-244.

Iannone, Gyles and Healy, Paul F.

2012 The Trent Connection: A Cornerstone of Maya Archaeology in Belize. Canadian Journal for Archaeology 36: 29-50.

Healy, Paul F.

2012/2013 Carved Stone Club Heads of Ancient Northeast Honduras: Archaeological Linkages to Costa Rica? Vinculos 35/36 (1-2): 1-18.

Healy, Paul F., Anne Keenleyside, and Marc C. Dorst

2013 Isotope Analysis and Radiocarbon Dating of Prehistoric Human Bone from the Manzanilla (SAN 1) Site, Trinidad. Caribbean Connections 3(1): 30-45.

Cheong, Kong F., Terry G. Powis, Paul F. Healy, Roger Blench, and Linda Howie

2014 Recovering Music from Pacbitun, Belize: New Evidence for Ancient Maya Instruments. Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 11: 177-190.

Healy, Paul F. and Elizabeth B. Thurston

2014 Crocodiles in Ancient Maya Art. Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 11: 163-175.

Rand, Asta J., Paul F. Healy, and Jaime J. Awe

2015 Stable Isotopic Evidence of Ancient Maya Diet at Caledonia, Cayo District, Belize. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 25(4): 401-413.

Helmke, Christophe, Kong F. Cheong, Paul F. Healy, and Mads S. Jorgensen

2015 A Painted Spondylus Shell from Burial 1-9, Pacbitun, Belize. Mexicon 37: 43-47.

Powis, Terry G., Sherman Horn III, Gyles Iannone, Paul F. Healy, James F. Garber, Jaime J. Awe, Sheldon Skaggs, and Linda A. Howie

2016 Middle Preclassic Period Greenstone “Triangulates”: Forms, Contexts, and Geology of a Unique Mesoamerican Groundstone Artifact Type. Journal of Archaeological Science 10: 59-73.

Healy, Paul F., Michael C. Doran, R. Bastian Georg, and Raymond E. March

2018 Mass Spectrographic Analysis of Ancient Maya Greenstone Artifacts from Pacbitun, Belize. Journal of Archaeological Science (Reports) 19:526-537.

Lord, Edna, C. Collins, Susan deFrance, Michelle J. LeFebvre, Pigiere Eeckhout, C. Erauw, Scott Fitzgerald, Paul F. Healy, et al.

2020 Ancient DNA of Guinea Pigs (Cavia spp.) Indicates a Probable New Center of Domestication and Pathway of Global Distribution. Nature (Scientific Reports) 10, 8901.

Healy, Paul F. and Daniel Savage

2021 The T-Shaped “Axe” from Northeast Honduras: Observations on Chronology and Function of a Pre-Columbian Stone Tool. Journal of Lithic Studies 8(1): 27 pages. dog/org/10.2218/jls.5771.
